
Bahá'u'lláh, the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá'í Faith (1817 - 1892), proclaimed the equality of man regardless of gender, origin, color, cultural background, religion, political beliefs, etc. Bahá'u'llah's revelations ushered in an era of e.g. equality, justice, openness, of coming together and working together for a better world for everyone. The times of oppression are therefore gone forever. Not only for the political, colonial and military tyrants, who oppress and exploit their people, but also for economic oppressors who use a predatory kind of capitalism to enrich themselves on a large scale. They often cause indescribable suffering among large sections of humanity and also widen the gap between rich and poor by the day. To illustrate: ± 20,000 people a day die from hunger, poverty and misery while on the other side extreme wealth ever festers on.
Alfons de Wert


studio1world bahai inspired art - Oppressors, beware ...studio1world bahai inspired art - Oppressors, beware ...

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