
We are happy to welcome you on our website Studio1World. Through participation on this website, you declare to accept our rules and code of conduct and the community standards, that are a part of our general conditions. We would like to list here a number of these rules:

1. MAKE SURE YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS ALIGNED TO THE SUBJECT OF THE CATEGORY AND THE WEBSITE. These are different categories on our site that are all about Baha'i inspired art and articles.
If you want to make a contribution to this site, make sure it is placed in the correct section. If you want to make a contribution that is not related to the subjects that you find on this site we hope that you will find a site elsewhere that covers the subjects you need and allows you to contribute.

2. BE COURTEOUS AND CORRECT. Write your descriptions clearly and try to write your message without any unacceptable use of language. Descriptions containing vulgar of obscene use of language will we removed. Do not use language that can be considered threathening, misleading, hateful, racially or ethically unacceptable. And do not busy yourself with personally attacking others. We want everyone to feel at ease here.

3. ADVERTISMENTS. Do you have ideas for advertisements please contact us. Do not place any commercial or promotional messages without permission.

4. DO NOT PUBLISH ANY INFORMATION THAT IS NOT OWNED BY YOU. You may not place information that has copyright or is owned by someone else here, without explicit permission of the owner. Please take into account that if you place information that holds copyright we will hold you accountable. Studio1World is not responsible for information that is placed by its members on the website and which is in conflict with copyright-legislation.

5. RESPECT OUR Studio1World-TEAM. Our team consists of persons that devote their time to maintaining a safe and pleasant site. We want to ask you to help us by paying attention to the suggestios and instructions that we give.

6. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE ITEMS FROM THIS SITE. We reserve the right to remove items from this site. When you do not observe the community standards and code of rules and conduct we can end your active participation to this site.

If you see any item or information that is in conflict with our rules and code of conduct please help us by sending an e-mail to