Artists of all disciplines inspired by the Bahá'í writings are welcome to exhibit their work on the website of Studio1World.
You can use this site to display your artwork and or offer it for sale. First you need to register and then make a profile. Then you can add as many items as you wish in the galleries.
This is done by making what is called an advertisement. This is the description of your art, where you can also place a picture, samples of music, other downloadable etc.
Click on [New Artwork] and then fill in the form which then appears. You can upload images, music and video and various types of text files. You can update material later and delete it as well.
All visual material is protected from being copied except for very small thumbnails of your work.
Any material uploaded as a mpg, pdf, mpeg, mp3, doc, or mov file can be copied, so we suggest that you only upload samples of your music or films or be aware that anyone can copy these types of files.
You can also place a link to your own website both in your profile and a description of your art in the galleries.
Visitors to the website can contact you to purchase your work by emailing you directly.
There are a few rules and codes of conduct for Studio1World. Please check these rules here.
Membership of Studio1World and participation in the galleries is free of charge.