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Diny 1932 dictionary: 'the wedding event.namew. (m.) Pronunciation: [trh] trait that you always support someone or something and do not leave him or her alone." Here diny used to lead by example: the loyalty of her family who supported each other in all circumstances. Her parents who took a girl from Rotterdam into their family in the hunger winter because they were very poor at her home and had almost nothing to eat, while they already had nine children of their own. In the foreground of the painting her marriage to her husband that continues until now. Taking care of each other, being true to each other, supporting each other and not leaving each other alone, that's something very important! It says, "sometimes I have the impression that the word faithfully disappears from the dictionary". Because Diny's loyalty is so important, she and her family take his place in this work.


Rosemarijn Mulder
studio1world bahai inspired art - HEREMETIJD - Dinystudio1world bahai inspired art - HEREMETIJD - Diny

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