
In order to add your artwork to the Art overview section of the website you need to follow the next steps after you are registered as a member.

1. Please login with your username and password

2. Go to [Art galleries]

3. On the top, you see a menu consisting of: New Artwork, All Artwork, My Profile, My Artwork, Rules

4. Click on [New Artwork]. An artwork is called “Ad” on this website

5. Choose the right Category

6. Fill or edit if needed the last name, first name and email

7. Choose Ad type

8. Fill in Title, Artist, Description etc.

9. You can provide a link to your website if you want

10. And upload documents, a multimedia file (sample of music, sample of film), or presentation etc. if you wish

11. Add one to three images if you wish

12. Accept the rules

13. Click on [Save]

After this your item is added to the art gallery under the chosen category. If you go to the gallery, you can now see your item displayed there. You can change the item if you want afterwards by going to the specific Ad (clicking on it) and choosing [Update] located top right.

For more information, to report any issues and for any help please contact Studio1World: